
I am a firm believer in Utopia. I genuinely believe that another reality – where we live in harmony with each other, respecting nature and each other’s uniqueness – is possible. It brings me immense joy to be myself and I am incredibly grateful for the life choices that have led me to this point, where I am deeply engaged with this strong belief in Utopia that resides within me.

However, Utopia cannot be achieved by just a handful individuals believing in its possibility. It can only become our collective reality when many people approach life with a deeper understanding and respond to life with a higher level of consciousness. When it becomes a collective attitude, then Utopia can truly become a meaningful concept for us to discuss and debate.

Life is like mathematics, everything is connected through frequency. Our ability to contemplate Utopia as a collective can only become possible when the number of individuals who diligently work on themselves and live life with a higher consciousness exceeds 1% of the world population. At that point, the predominant vibration of the collective will shift towards hope, and Utopia will become a real possibility.

Today, we are at a crucial turning point in human history and our journey on this planet. Thanks to technology, we can all realize that we are not alone. There are many others in the world who believe in the impossible, in Utopia. Technology allows us to connect with those who are seeking answers to the same questions that our hearts long for.

The tools, discussions, and analyses that have evolved over centuries by those who have chosen to wake up to the true nature of life and, in turn, radiated their light and inspired others simply through their state of being – are now available to everyone. These incredibly efficient tools are accessible to all those who embark on a journey of self-discovery.

As human beings, we are born into this physical life and we are influenced by our immediate communities. The geography we are born into and the agreements we have made before entering this life begin to shape us through the collective consciousness of the past. External factors start to mold, impact, condition, and limit us, similar to how dough is shaped. It is often said that the first half of life are a period of trial, error, and learning. During these years, we experience the lessons of life within the dimension we have embodied on this planet and the stories we were born into.

Around the age of 35-40, we begin to awaken to the fact that the “I” we identify with is composed of the collective wounds, vulnerabilities, and prejudices of the “we”.

Through encounters with people and events, we learn who and what does not serve us in this life. We discover who we don’t want to be and what we don’t want to do. These are the years that older generations refer to as a “mid-life crisis”. Up until this point, we try to live the life that is dictated to us by our ancestors, families, society, and the collective consciousness. There is a saying that goes, “Every generation has to learn that the stove is hot”. We cannot truly understand fire without getting burned in life. Through trial and error, we learn what we don’t want to become. As we collide with people and events, life encourages us to learn something new about ourselves and how we function.

We have to become the change we want to see in the world. If we embrace the fact that life is not happening to us but through us, then we find the courage to take control of our own lives. We realize that we must embody the life, existence, and way of being that we want to see and experience in this world. There is no external force that will slap us and wake us up. The creation itself uses life to push us to the edge, urging us to open our eyes and awaken to reality. This is how our journey of awakening to the “truth” begins. Our awakening starts with a moment when we pause in the face of life’s challenges and force ourselves to look at life with fresh eyes and realize that the situation we are in is not the situation we truly want to be in. Reincarnation within this lifetime, without physically dying, begins when we dive deep within ourselves, fully experiencing the challenges we face, and intend to reconnect with life in a new, profound way, with a deeper understanding. This is the essence of what regeneration means to me.

My personal journey into this way of being began with a battle against thyroid cancer. This life-altering experience redirected my path towards service. Today, that sickness is not a burden on my soul, but actually a blessing in my life. I am on this path because of that illness. Since then, I have found the courage within me to change my direction, to express my truth, and to let go of what no longer serves me. Aware of the inevitability of the end, I have chosen to openly share my reality and dreams. Courage has become my guiding force, the people I encounter and the challenging moments have become my teachers, and I have embarked on a deeper journey as a humble student of life.

Like all of us, I am experiencing my personal growth journey by colliding with life, influenced by the agreements I made based on my beliefs. Life has given me a compassionate wake-up call and my perception of life and my approach to life have begun to transform with newfound courage.

All the terms and words that I thought I understood have started to open up, expand, and shift into a deeper understanding. My heart has become my conscious compass, and I have followed its calling, its longing, and its vibration. The more I have tapped into my potential, the more I have embraced my role and responsibility on this planet. Today, I am dedicated to serving humanity as the co-founder of our collaboration platform, Joint Idea, our lifelong corporate growth platform Life Works Labs, and our treasured community, Love Mafia. Together with my partner in crime, Markus Lehto, we know that we are stronger together than alone. For Utopia to manifest on this precious planet, we must remove our masks, authentically connect with others, embrace our vulnerabilities, and build regenerative communities.

Today, with the human algorithm that we have consciously developed, Utopia is not just a possibility. When we look into the eyes of those around us every day, we can feel, live, and breathe Utopia. We truly believe that regenerative communities are only possible when we have the courage to be vulnerable, to share our truth not through our memorized resumes but through who we are in the present moment.

In human design, I am a manifesting generator, and I have chosen to channel this immense inner energy towards evoking Utopia on the planet every day. According to my design, my G-center is open, which means I discover my direction and purpose in life when I am surrounded by like-hearted individuals. My path reveals itself to me when I am in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. We call this cultivating serendipity, which is another way of saying miracles can be created. With this awareness of my design, when I reflect on my life with an observer’s perspective, I can see how my path has unfolded step by step through life’s lessons.

When we have the opportunity to observe our lives from a detached state of mind, we begin to understand the relationship between what has happened and why it has happened. We gain a deeper sense of the intention behind creation. Through my experience with thyroid cancer, I found the courage to change the direction of my life. Since then, day by day, through the magic of the human algorithm, remarkable individuals with beautiful initiatives have entered our lives. Regenerate X is an extension of this carefully and intentionally woven human algorithm. By uniting with these like-hearted souls under the umbrella of “Regenerate X,” my soul has received confirmation of our path and an expanded inner peace that mingles with me, reaffirming the choices and sacrifices we have made to be where we are today.

Our soul family has grown, and we constantly encounter more inspiring individuals who are seeking answers to the questions that our hearts yearn for. The diversity of their expertise resonates with our common vision.

I have witnessed the growth of my loved ones. These amazing souls who have accompanied us on our journey for the past 7.5 years have delved deeper, expanded their messages, and embraced inclusivity. It is an absolute honor to witness such growth in life.

At the Regenerate X conference, we shared deep connections, heartfelt conversations, and experienced moments of magic. Once again, the human algorithm revealed its beauty. We all tasted the precious gifts that life brings when we cultivate serendipity. As a case in point, we were truly blessed to have a surprise visit from Esin Çelebi, the 22nd generation grand daughter of Hz Mevlana Celalettin Rumi, among us, along with her own grand daughter.

Today, at the age of 49, I know that there is more in life waiting for me. I feel that I am at the midpoint of my life journey and I am genuinely excited to explore what more wants to come alive through me. However, my heart and choices whisper to me that the future demands us to be regenerative.

In order for us to truly embody the principles of regeneration, we have to awaken our exponential humanity. We must undergo a process of reincarnation without dying within the context of our current life story. This involves practicing becoming ourselves; delving into the deeper truths of our existence, understanding our unique designs, and fearlessly exploring our shadow sides and giving rebirth to our true self. It requires us to willingly let go of what no longer serves our life’s purpose and take a courageous leap of faith into the boundless possibilities that life holds. Only then can the human algorithm, in its infinite grace, bring like-hearted beings onto our path. These magical encounters naturally foster the emergence of regenerative communities in their own organic timing and process, allowing us to truly cultivate serendipity. These terms, which we believe are the key to regeneration, have been the foundation of our Life Works Labs journeys that we lovingly curate for Corporate Transformation Journeys with our Love Mafia members.

Our precious world is slowly depleting its resources that it has been providing since its creation for the development of life. We are now being urged to prioritize regeneration in our existence and way of being. This can be quite overwhelming, but we can start by honoring the stories we are born into in this reality, letting go of our expectations, harnessing our potential into capacity, giving our best efforts to life, choosing to respond rather than react, and trusting the natural flow of the system to guide our path. Once our soul’s regeneration is underway, we can then extend that to create regenerative companies, systems, technologies, communities, and ultimately, a regenerative world.

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